Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sexual Appetite

Two people are like two gods. Two of them? Two of you. Melt in the infinite bliss of the eternal love as only thus the impossible changes into a miracle and all that you are easily becomes happiness.

With sparkling soul you easily elevate each other until you reach God. Now it is possible that you melt within His heart.

Usually, a man needs to ejaculate unless he has an adequate training, an esoterical knowledge about the sexual intercourse, and a specific initiation

In fact, it is the impulse of the inferior instincts of the human being. A antricublimatesthese carnal instincts and consequently he removes this wish to ejaculate by the means of a spiritual action, consciously led to sublimation.

This spiritual action means to use certain methods (ogatechniques, meditation, rituals, etc) that make the man to resonate with the sublime energies of the Universe.

Through sexual ontinence which is an alchemic process that includes to hold your semen, consciously done by the initiated ones, the primary wish to ejaculate disappears and it is replaced by the aspiration or wish to continue the union generated by the transfigurating sexual intercourse.

In this case the substance is transformed in energy, the raw into subtle, the inferior wishes in sublime aspirations.

Ejaculationis directly related to procreation; thus, tantrics use it only when they want to have a baby. Through sexual continence an opposite, very subtle phenomenon takes place: the energies are directed inside the body and not out like in the case of ejaculation.

This effervescent accumulation of energies during intercourse inside our own being generates the sublime ecstatic states mentioned by the tantric treaties and which could be the study domain of the trans personal sexology.

It is said that the perception of the present moment can set your wish free. In a common state of consciousness we perceive the world in a certain way, sometimes without even realizing that we perceive it.

Thus, we could say that we do not "perceive" but dream the perception as the common state that we have can be similar to a unconsciousness state during the state of dream.

But in the state of pure consciousness, perception becomes a way of living. Being aware of the outside world facilitates our access to the pure existence and to its essence, the pure bliss.

In tantrism, the sexual intercourse is approached with awareness, ransfigurationand continence, the direct perception is the source of pleasure and voluptuousness.

To fully live the perceptions, to be aware of them and to perfectly control them is the fundamental tantric key that opens the gate to the alchemic art of the sensual, spiritual love.

We only have to learn how to consciously and fully enjoy the exotic pleasures and to be aware of their divine nature.

To become one with ourselves throughout the merging with the beloved during intercourse, to consciously live the bliss of love, to reach and enjoy ecstasy, this is in fact the trans personal sexology.

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