Monday, November 1, 2010

Conversation between Mother and Son

mama: kita nanti pindah jauh kat sepang but ala fahim dah afford to buy your own car takde hallah nak ulang alik Me: but i prefer KJ coz ada public transport it'll be easier for me to ulang alik and merayau Mama: awww i know youre gonna miss your friend here Me: no kat sini takde siapa suka fahim plus cakap buruk pasal fahim but yeah, Im gonna miss them because diaorang my only friend yang always support fahim masa fahim down dulu mama: ala kat sana fahim buat kawan okay **mama senyum** Me: **senyum** okay takpe janji mama happy fahim tak kisah. Now fahim kena berusaha untuk fulfill my dream and bawa mama and abah buat umrah . My treat.

That is short conversation between me and my mom. She plan to moved to Sepang after my sis, Fatin, finish her SPM. Yeah I know it's kinda sad for me to leave this place but as long my mom happy, I'm happy too. We all do need new friends to share your stories(good stories), to make a new connection and bla bla bla. But for me, I'm not that type of guy who easily click with other people to be honest I am not. So hopefully they will accept me for who I am. I don't have good personality eventhough I worked for Public Mutual and my job is to click with client to persuade them to invest under my company to help them increase their salary or plan for their retirement but still I am the guy who always hard to make a friend. My jokes can make people love and hate me. so I aware that people will critics me and labeled as a bad person and give their first bad impression about me. hm... WtH. I need to improve my english to be perfect back. I just need something to make me feel ok and normal. I want my chocolate. nyumnyum ehehehe and I desperately need a girlfriend to be my soulmate. ahaaahahaha

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